Why do I study these complex situations?
When I was in the 3rd grade my home unexpectedly flooded and my family lost everything. There was five feet of water in our house for over two weeks. I grew up on furniture donated by the American Red Cross and the support we had from our local community was incredible. I started working part time in high school and I also worked to put myself through college. I understand the value of hard work.
Now some about how I got to where I am, a social science professor. Trust me, this is not anything I imagined growing up, and I’m certain it never appeared on a what I want to do when I grow up form. I grew up in a small town in Texas and I got my undergraduate degree in biochemistry from Texas A&M. I got married and my husband and I moved to Southern California. I worked for Hewlett Packard and transitioned into a technical sales role. I loved this job, and my next few career moves kept me in and around biopharmaceutics , environmental chemistry, and air quality chemistry.